STB71 / STRAPEX® - Battery-Operated Combination Tool
Product Information
Strap width9-13 mmStrap thickness0,40-0,80 mm
Strap typePET / PPTension force400-1200 N
Seal typeFriction Weld SealWeight3,6 Kg
Tensioning /
SealingBattery /
The STB 71 battery powered strapping tool for plastic strapping of Strapex® is suitable for simple jobs to enable the protection of packaged goods. Because of new technics the friction weld strapping tool is modern, simple-operatable, and suitable for daily use. It can be operated with strapping up to 13 mm as well as in PP and also PET quality. The simple handling provides a smoothy operation in all branches and sectors of industry as well as for craft businesses and trade companies.

Please note that also after the tool purchases our own authorized service center places our services at your disposal with a complete sortiment of spare parts for the routine maintenance and repair of your tool. When purchasing a tool you also aquire our service and availability of spare parts.
Suitable spare parts for your Strapex STB 71 strapping tool you can find under:
- Full touch screen display
- Indication of applied tension force
- Easy to use
- Strap Dust Blow Out Vent
- Variable Tension Speed
- Strap alignment indicator
Makopak Topseller